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WindLabAPI Namespace Reference


class  CrpsCoherenceFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLCoherence interface. More...
class  CrpsCorrelationFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLCorrelation interface. More...
class  CrpsCumulativeProbabilityDistributionFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLCumulativeProbabilityDistribution interface. More...
class  CrpsFrequencyDistributionFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLFrequencyDistribution interface. More...
class  CrpsGustFactorFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLGustFactor interface. More...
class  CrpsKurtosisFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLKurtosis interface. More...
class  CrpsLocationDistributionFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLLocationDistribution interface. More...
class  CrpsMatrixToolFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLMatrixTool interface. More...
class  CrpsMeanFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLMean interface. More...
class  CrpsModulationFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLModulation interface. More...
class  CrpsPeakFactorFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLPeakFactor interface. More...
class  CrpsProbabilityDensityFunctionFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLProbabilityDensityFunction interface. More...
class  CrpsPSDdecomMethodFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLPSDdecompositionMethod interface. More...
class  CrpsRandomnessFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLRandomness interface. More...
class  CrpsRoughnessFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLRoughness interface. More...
class  CrpsShearVelocityOfFlowFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLShearVelocityOfFlow interface. More...
class  CrpsSimuMethodFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLSimuMethod interface. More...
class  CrpsSkewnessFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLSkewness interface. More...
class  CrpsStandardDeviationFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLStandardDeviation interface. More...
class  CrpsTableToolFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLTableTool interface. More...
class  CrpsTurbulenceIntensityFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLTurbulenceIntensity interface. More...
class  CrpsTurbulenceScaleFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLTurbulenceScale interface. More...
class  CrpsUserDefinedRPSObjectFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLMatrixTool interface. More...
class  CrpsVarianceFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLVariance interface. More...
class  CrpsWavePassageEffectFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLWavePassageEffect interface. More...
class  CRPSWindLabFramework
 A helper class to call methods from any active WindLab Features. More...
class  CrpsXSpectrumFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLXSpectrum interface. More...
class  CrpsYSpectrumFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLYSpectrum interface. More...
class  CrpsZSpectrumFactory
 Factory class for IrpsWLZSpectrum interface. More...
class  IrpsWLCoherence
 An abstract class representing a coherence function. More...
class  IrpsWLCorrelation
 An abstract class representing a correlation function. More...
class  IrpsWLCumulativeProbabilityDistribution
 An abstract class representing a cumulative probability distribution. More...
class  IrpsWLFrequencyDistribution
 An abstract class representing a frequency distribution. More...
class  IrpsWLGustFactor
 An abstract class representing a gust factor. More...
class  IrpsWLKurtosis
 An abstract class representing a kurtosis. More...
class  IrpsWLLocationDistribution
 An abstract class representing a location distribution. More...
class  IrpsWLLocationDistributionPy
 The python export class for IrpsWLLocationDistribution. More...
class  IrpsWLMatrixTool
 An abstract class representing a matrix tool. More...
class  IrpsWLMean
 An abstract class representing a mean wind profile. More...
class  IrpsWLModulation
 An abstract class representing a modulation function. More...
class  IrpsWLPeakFactor
 An abstract class representing a peak factor. More...
class  IrpsWLProbabilityDensityFunction
 An abstract class representing a peak factor. More...
class  IrpsWLPSDdecompositionMethod
 An abstract class representing a power spectrum density decomposition method. More...
class  IrpsWLRandomness
 An abstract class representing a randomness provider. More...
class  IrpsWLRoughness
 An abstract class representing a terrain rounghness. More...
class  IrpsWLShearVelocityOfFlow
 An abstract class representing the shear velocity of a flow. More...
class  IrpsWLSimuMethod
 An abstract class representing a simulation method. More...
class  IrpsWLSkewness
 An abstract class representing a skewness. More...
class  IrpsWLStandardDeviation
 An abstract class representing a standard deviation. More...
class  IrpsWLTableTool
 An abstract class representing a table tool. More...
class  IrpsWLTurbulenceIntensity
 An abstract class representing a turbulence intensity. More...
class  IrpsWLTurbulenceScale
 An abstract class representing a turbulence scale. More...
class  IrpsWLUserDefinedRPSObject
 An abstract class representing a user defined object. More...
class  IrpsWLVariance
 An abstract class representing a variance. More...
class  IrpsWLWavePassageEffect
 An abstract class representing a wave passage effect. More...
class  IrpsWLXSpectrum
 An abstract class representing an along wind spectrum. More...
class  IrpsWLYSpectrum
 An abstract class representing an across wind spectrum. More...
class  IrpsWLZSpectrum
 An abstract class representing an vertical wind spectrum. More...
class  Module
class  RPSWindLabAPIInfo
class  RPSWindLabPluginAPIInfo
class  WindLabFeature
 Base class of all WindLab Features in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureCoherence
 Base class of all coherence feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureCorrelation
 Base class of all correlation feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureCumulativeProbabilityDistribution
 Base class of all cumulative probability distribution feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureDescription
 Description class for all WindLab features in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureFrequencyDistribution
 Base class of all frequency distribution feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureGustFactor
 Base class of all gust factor feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureKurtosis
 Base class of all kurtosis feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureLocationDistribution
 Base class of all location distribution feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureLocationDistributionPy
 The python export class for WindLabFeatureLocationDistribution. More...
class  WindLabFeatureMatrixTool
 Base class of all matrix tool feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureMeanWind
 Base class of all mean wind profile feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureModulation
 Base class of all modulation feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeaturePeakFactor
 Base class of all peack factor feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureProbabilityDensityFunction
 Base class of all probability density feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeaturePSDDecompositionMethod
 Base class of all psd decomposition feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeaturePublicationInformation
class  WindLabFeaturePy
 The python export class for WindLabFeature. More...
class  WindLabFeatureRandomness
 Base class of all randomness provider feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureRoughness
 Base class of all terrain roughness feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureShearVelocityOfFlow
 Base class of all flow shear velocity feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureSimulationMethod
 Base class of all simulation algorithm feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureSkewness
 Base class of all skewness feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureStandardDeviation
 Base class of all standard deviation feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureTableTool
 Base class of all table tool feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureTurbulenceIntensity
 Base class of all turbulence intensity feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureTurbulenceScale
 Base class of all turbulence scale feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureUserDefinedRPSObject
 Base class of all user defined feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureVariance
 Base class of all variance feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureWavePassageEffect
 Base class of all wave passage effect feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureXSpectrum
 Base class of all along wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureYSpectrum
 Base class of all across wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabFeatureZSpectrum
 Base class of all vertical wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS. More...
class  WindLabSimuDataPy
 The python export class for WindLabSimuData. More...
class  WindLabSimulationData
 The WindLab simulation data for random wind velocity. More...
class  WindLabSimulationDataPy
 The python export class for WindLabSimulationData. More...


PyObject * initModule ()

Function Documentation

◆ initModule()

PyObject * WindLabAPI::initModule ( )