▼NWindLabAPI | |
CCrpsCoherenceFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLCoherence interface |
CCrpsCorrelationFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLCorrelation interface |
CCrpsCumulativeProbabilityDistributionFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLCumulativeProbabilityDistribution interface |
CCrpsFrequencyDistributionFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLFrequencyDistribution interface |
CCrpsGustFactorFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLGustFactor interface |
CCrpsKurtosisFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLKurtosis interface |
CCrpsLocationDistributionFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLLocationDistribution interface |
CCrpsMatrixToolFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLMatrixTool interface |
CCrpsMeanFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLMean interface |
CCrpsModulationFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLModulation interface |
CCrpsPeakFactorFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLPeakFactor interface |
CCrpsProbabilityDensityFunctionFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLProbabilityDensityFunction interface |
CCrpsPSDdecomMethodFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLPSDdecompositionMethod interface |
CCrpsRandomnessFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLRandomness interface |
CCrpsRoughnessFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLRoughness interface |
CCrpsShearVelocityOfFlowFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLShearVelocityOfFlow interface |
CCrpsSimuMethodFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLSimuMethod interface |
CCrpsSkewnessFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLSkewness interface |
CCrpsStandardDeviationFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLStandardDeviation interface |
CCrpsTableToolFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLTableTool interface |
CCrpsTurbulenceIntensityFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLTurbulenceIntensity interface |
CCrpsTurbulenceScaleFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLTurbulenceScale interface |
CCrpsUserDefinedRPSObjectFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLMatrixTool interface |
CCrpsVarianceFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLVariance interface |
CCrpsWavePassageEffectFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLWavePassageEffect interface |
CCRPSWindLabFramework | A helper class to call methods from any active WindLab Features |
CCrpsXSpectrumFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLXSpectrum interface |
CCrpsYSpectrumFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLYSpectrum interface |
CCrpsZSpectrumFactory | Factory class for IrpsWLZSpectrum interface |
CIrpsWLCoherence | An abstract class representing a coherence function |
CIrpsWLCorrelation | An abstract class representing a correlation function |
CIrpsWLCumulativeProbabilityDistribution | An abstract class representing a cumulative probability distribution |
CIrpsWLFrequencyDistribution | An abstract class representing a frequency distribution |
CIrpsWLGustFactor | An abstract class representing a gust factor |
CIrpsWLKurtosis | An abstract class representing a kurtosis |
CIrpsWLLocationDistribution | An abstract class representing a location distribution |
CIrpsWLLocationDistributionPy | The python export class for IrpsWLLocationDistribution |
CIrpsWLMatrixTool | An abstract class representing a matrix tool |
CIrpsWLMean | An abstract class representing a mean wind profile |
CIrpsWLModulation | An abstract class representing a modulation function |
CIrpsWLPeakFactor | An abstract class representing a peak factor |
CIrpsWLProbabilityDensityFunction | An abstract class representing a peak factor |
CIrpsWLPSDdecompositionMethod | An abstract class representing a power spectrum density decomposition method |
CIrpsWLRandomness | An abstract class representing a randomness provider |
CIrpsWLRoughness | An abstract class representing a terrain rounghness |
CIrpsWLShearVelocityOfFlow | An abstract class representing the shear velocity of a flow |
CIrpsWLSimuMethod | An abstract class representing a simulation method |
CIrpsWLSkewness | An abstract class representing a skewness |
CIrpsWLStandardDeviation | An abstract class representing a standard deviation |
CIrpsWLTableTool | An abstract class representing a table tool |
CIrpsWLTurbulenceIntensity | An abstract class representing a turbulence intensity |
CIrpsWLTurbulenceScale | An abstract class representing a turbulence scale |
CIrpsWLUserDefinedRPSObject | An abstract class representing a user defined object |
CIrpsWLVariance | An abstract class representing a variance |
CIrpsWLWavePassageEffect | An abstract class representing a wave passage effect |
CIrpsWLXSpectrum | An abstract class representing an along wind spectrum |
CIrpsWLYSpectrum | An abstract class representing an across wind spectrum |
CIrpsWLZSpectrum | An abstract class representing an vertical wind spectrum |
CModule | |
CRPSWindLabAPIInfo | |
CRPSWindLabPluginAPIInfo | |
CWindLabFeature | Base class of all WindLab Features in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureCoherence | Base class of all coherence feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureCorrelation | Base class of all correlation feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureCumulativeProbabilityDistribution | Base class of all cumulative probability distribution feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureDescription | Description class for all WindLab features in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureFrequencyDistribution | Base class of all frequency distribution feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureGustFactor | Base class of all gust factor feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureKurtosis | Base class of all kurtosis feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureLocationDistribution | Base class of all location distribution feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureLocationDistributionPy | The python export class for WindLabFeatureLocationDistribution |
CWindLabFeatureMatrixTool | Base class of all matrix tool feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureMeanWind | Base class of all mean wind profile feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureModulation | Base class of all modulation feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeaturePeakFactor | Base class of all peack factor feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureProbabilityDensityFunction | Base class of all probability density feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeaturePSDDecompositionMethod | Base class of all psd decomposition feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeaturePublicationInformation | |
CWindLabFeaturePy | The python export class for WindLabFeature |
CWindLabFeatureRandomness | Base class of all randomness provider feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureRoughness | Base class of all terrain roughness feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureShearVelocityOfFlow | Base class of all flow shear velocity feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureSimulationMethod | Base class of all simulation algorithm feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureSkewness | Base class of all skewness feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureStandardDeviation | Base class of all standard deviation feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureTableTool | Base class of all table tool feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureTurbulenceIntensity | Base class of all turbulence intensity feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureTurbulenceScale | Base class of all turbulence scale feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureUserDefinedRPSObject | Base class of all user defined feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureVariance | Base class of all variance feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureWavePassageEffect | Base class of all wave passage effect feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureXSpectrum | Base class of all along wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureYSpectrum | Base class of all across wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabFeatureZSpectrum | Base class of all vertical wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS |
CWindLabSimuDataPy | The python export class for WindLabSimuData |
CWindLabSimulationData | The WindLab simulation data for random wind velocity |
CWindLabSimulationDataPy | The python export class for WindLabSimulationData |
▼NWindLabAPIGui | |
CModule |