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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCrpsCoherenceFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLCoherence interface
 CCrpsCorrelationFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLCorrelation interface
 CCrpsCumulativeProbabilityDistributionFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLCumulativeProbabilityDistribution interface
 CCrpsFrequencyDistributionFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLFrequencyDistribution interface
 CCrpsGustFactorFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLGustFactor interface
 CCrpsKurtosisFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLKurtosis interface
 CCrpsLocationDistributionFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLLocationDistribution interface
 CCrpsMatrixToolFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLMatrixTool interface
 CCrpsMeanFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLMean interface
 CCrpsModulationFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLModulation interface
 CCrpsPeakFactorFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLPeakFactor interface
 CCrpsProbabilityDensityFunctionFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLProbabilityDensityFunction interface
 CCrpsPSDdecomMethodFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLPSDdecompositionMethod interface
 CCrpsRandomnessFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLRandomness interface
 CCrpsRoughnessFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLRoughness interface
 CCrpsShearVelocityOfFlowFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLShearVelocityOfFlow interface
 CCrpsSimuMethodFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLSimuMethod interface
 CCrpsSkewnessFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLSkewness interface
 CCrpsStandardDeviationFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLStandardDeviation interface
 CCrpsTableToolFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLTableTool interface
 CCrpsTurbulenceIntensityFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLTurbulenceIntensity interface
 CCrpsTurbulenceScaleFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLTurbulenceScale interface
 CCrpsUserDefinedRPSObjectFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLMatrixTool interface
 CCrpsVarianceFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLVariance interface
 CCrpsWavePassageEffectFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLWavePassageEffect interface
 CCRPSWindLabFrameworkA helper class to call methods from any active WindLab Features
 CCrpsXSpectrumFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLXSpectrum interface
 CCrpsYSpectrumFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLYSpectrum interface
 CCrpsZSpectrumFactoryFactory class for IrpsWLZSpectrum interface
 CIrpsWLCoherenceAn abstract class representing a coherence function
 CIrpsWLCorrelationAn abstract class representing a correlation function
 CIrpsWLCumulativeProbabilityDistributionAn abstract class representing a cumulative probability distribution
 CIrpsWLFrequencyDistributionAn abstract class representing a frequency distribution
 CIrpsWLGustFactorAn abstract class representing a gust factor
 CIrpsWLKurtosisAn abstract class representing a kurtosis
 CIrpsWLLocationDistributionAn abstract class representing a location distribution
 CIrpsWLLocationDistributionPyThe python export class for IrpsWLLocationDistribution
 CIrpsWLMatrixToolAn abstract class representing a matrix tool
 CIrpsWLMeanAn abstract class representing a mean wind profile
 CIrpsWLModulationAn abstract class representing a modulation function
 CIrpsWLPeakFactorAn abstract class representing a peak factor
 CIrpsWLProbabilityDensityFunctionAn abstract class representing a peak factor
 CIrpsWLPSDdecompositionMethodAn abstract class representing a power spectrum density decomposition method
 CIrpsWLRandomnessAn abstract class representing a randomness provider
 CIrpsWLRoughnessAn abstract class representing a terrain rounghness
 CIrpsWLShearVelocityOfFlowAn abstract class representing the shear velocity of a flow
 CIrpsWLSimuMethodAn abstract class representing a simulation method
 CIrpsWLSkewnessAn abstract class representing a skewness
 CIrpsWLStandardDeviationAn abstract class representing a standard deviation
 CIrpsWLTableToolAn abstract class representing a table tool
 CIrpsWLTurbulenceIntensityAn abstract class representing a turbulence intensity
 CIrpsWLTurbulenceScaleAn abstract class representing a turbulence scale
 CIrpsWLUserDefinedRPSObjectAn abstract class representing a user defined object
 CIrpsWLVarianceAn abstract class representing a variance
 CIrpsWLWavePassageEffectAn abstract class representing a wave passage effect
 CIrpsWLXSpectrumAn abstract class representing an along wind spectrum
 CIrpsWLYSpectrumAn abstract class representing an across wind spectrum
 CIrpsWLZSpectrumAn abstract class representing an vertical wind spectrum
 CWindLabFeatureBase class of all WindLab Features in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureCoherenceBase class of all coherence feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureCorrelationBase class of all correlation feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureCumulativeProbabilityDistributionBase class of all cumulative probability distribution feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureDescriptionDescription class for all WindLab features in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureFrequencyDistributionBase class of all frequency distribution feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureGustFactorBase class of all gust factor feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureKurtosisBase class of all kurtosis feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureLocationDistributionBase class of all location distribution feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureLocationDistributionPyThe python export class for WindLabFeatureLocationDistribution
 CWindLabFeatureMatrixToolBase class of all matrix tool feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureMeanWindBase class of all mean wind profile feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureModulationBase class of all modulation feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeaturePeakFactorBase class of all peack factor feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureProbabilityDensityFunctionBase class of all probability density feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeaturePSDDecompositionMethodBase class of all psd decomposition feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeaturePyThe python export class for WindLabFeature
 CWindLabFeatureRandomnessBase class of all randomness provider feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureRoughnessBase class of all terrain roughness feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureShearVelocityOfFlowBase class of all flow shear velocity feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureSimulationMethodBase class of all simulation algorithm feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureSkewnessBase class of all skewness feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureStandardDeviationBase class of all standard deviation feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureTableToolBase class of all table tool feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureTurbulenceIntensityBase class of all turbulence intensity feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureTurbulenceScaleBase class of all turbulence scale feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureUserDefinedRPSObjectBase class of all user defined feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureVarianceBase class of all variance feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureWavePassageEffectBase class of all wave passage effect feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureXSpectrumBase class of all along wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureYSpectrumBase class of all across wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabFeatureZSpectrumBase class of all vertical wind spectrum feature classes in LabRPS
 CWindLabSimuDataPyThe python export class for WindLabSimuData
 CWindLabSimulationDataThe WindLab simulation data for random wind velocity
 CWindLabSimulationDataPyThe python export class for WindLabSimulationData